Ownership of the website

This website, with address www.salleurl.edu , is the property of Fundació Universitat i Tecnologia (FUNITEC hereafter), with the following details:

Fundació Universitat I Tecnologia (FUNITEC)
C/ Sant Joan de La Salle, 42
08022 Barcelona
NIF: G60643558


Content included on the website

All content, including text, images, audio and any other material, is the property of FUNITEC or other third parties that have authorized the use thereof. FUNITEC reserves all rights.

The administrative information published by FUNITEC on this website does not substitute the content of any of the laws, general provisions, or agreements to be published formally in the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Catalan Government) or other official public gazettes, and the content of the printed edition of these gazettes is the only valid, authentic version thereof.


Exemption of liability of FUNITEC

The user of the website is aware and voluntarily accepts that they are entirely responsible for their use of the service. Except in cases where the law explicitly prohibits exemption of liability, FUNITEC shall bear no liability derived from the user's use of this service.

By way of example and without limitation, FUNITEC is exempt from any liability derived from the following:

  • Failure to guarantee continuous access to, proper visualization and download of or usefulness of the elements and information contained within its web pages.
  • Potential damages caused by interference, telephonic breakdowns, or power outages in the electronic system, or by any other factor or circumstance beyond their control.
  • Failure to guarantee the website and its servers are free of viruses or malicious programs of any kind, as well as any possible damages caused by accessing the website or the impossibility of accessing it.
  • Information or other contents by third parties linked to the website. Likewise, it is not liable for any information not contained on this website, and therefore, not made directly by FUNITEC or by any of its authorized members.


Liability of users

FUNITEC does not authorize the use of the content of this website for commercial or advertising purposes.

Nor does it allow the reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation, or modification of the content of this website or its design by any tool or medium.

It is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by FUNITEC, to present web pages from the site under frames, distinctive symbols, trademarks or other social or commercial names of any other person, company, or entity.

Users of this website undertake to provide true and accurate information about themselves when requested.


Privacy policy and processing of personal data

For more information check the privacy policy.


Cookies policy

For more information check the cookies policy.


Notifications, applicable law, and jurisdiction

In the event of any differences between the two parties regarding the interpretation, fulfilment, or effects of these legal conditions, and in the event the two parties are unable to reach a mutually acceptable agreement or solution, they will submit to the jurisdiction and authority of the Courts of Barcelona. The users agree to comply with and respect this point.


Modifications of the legal conditions

FUNITEC reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions established in this document at any time and without prior notice.
